Saturday, March 31, 2012


CAPTCHA:  those eye straining fuzzy words that Google has recently inflicted on all blogger spots (whether you, the blogger want them or not) so that commenters can "prove" they're not a  spam-bot.  Not only does CAPTCHA not work but google already screens comments for spam so CAPTCHA jusy annoys your blog's followers.  You can read more here:

The steps required to disable CAPTCHA are a little different, depending on whether you use the new or old blogger interface but not difficult.  I've disabled CAPTCHA on both of my blogs and if I can do it, anybody can do it.  Since throwing CAPTCHA overboard I have yet to receive a single bit of spam.

As a blogger you will not be aware of CAPTCHA when replying to comments--but your readers will!  I personally give up on a comment if I can't quickly get CAPTCHA correctly entered on the first attempt.

So, that's my rant of the day.  Sorry for the lack of skating relevance--but I REALLY DO HATE IT!

CAPTCHA is so hated that it's getting ink in the intellectual section of the Wash Post.  What more to say?


  1. I hate them too, but I get SO much spam (four or five a day) if I don't use them.

    I used to do no captcha, but moderated posts. I don't like moderated posts either because then you wonder if someone has already said something- so now I use captcha but don't moderate.

    Blogger recently made them harder to read, so now I REALLY hate them.

    (Also can't stand when people are no-reply. Because what is the chance they wil come back to the blog to see if you replied to the comment?)

    1. Jessim: If your blog gets that much spam then you need the extra filtering that CAPTCHA supposedly provides. Of all the bloggers that I communicate with your situation seems the most extreme. Most report no spam at all. I just hope those of us who enjoy following your blog don't go cross-eyed attempting to post comments!

    2. Maybe they've improved the filtering. Next time I play with the settings I'll take it off and see if the spam stays away.

      I just hated having to use moderation.

    3. CAPTCHA is now so universally hated that it's even being woven into the "intellectual" section of the newspaper (aka: the funnies); check to see my latest addition to this post.

  2. This is a relief to hear, though it was my 51 year-old eyes getting worse!

    1. Well, no guarantees about your eyesight, but yes CAPTCHA does seem to be universally annoying! Sometimes I can't make heads nor tails of the fuzzy variety.
